Congratulations! Adoptions are a wonderful occasion and we would be honored to walk alongside your family during this time. In Colorado, step-parent adoptions are the most common form of adoption that go through the District Courts. This is when one party with a child is married to another party that wishes to adopt that child. Most often, the other biological parent is not in the picture or has nominal rights. A Judge will be looking to determine if the biological parent has abandoned (either physically or financially) the child/children and that the step-parent is a fit parent to adopt. If you believe an adoption would be appropriate for your family, contact us today and a family law attorney can help you determine your next steps.
If the other biological parent has abandoned the child, either emotionally or financially, a step-parent adoption may be a great option for you. You need to be married to one of the biological parents, have been living with the children, and be willing to take on all of the legal and emotional support obligations of the child.
Adoptions are a multi-step process that can take a significant period of time. There are a lot of waiting times involved as fingerprints and background checks must go through appropriate channels, such as FBI, CBI and TRAILS. It also may take some time to locate and/or serve the biological parent. The timing of filing the adoption is important, so it is vital that you have an experienced attorney to help you through this process.
In Colorado, children 12 and older must consent to their own adoption. Your child will sign a consent form in the privacy of our offices or from the comfort of your own home. The consent is filed along with the other documents. Your child may also be asked questions during a hearing.
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