Are you facing a situation to get your ex to comply with the orders of the Court? Are you being accused of violating the orders of the Court? Palmer Family Law has extensive experience prosecuting and defending contempt (violation of court orders) cases and is ready to help you! Unfortunately, sometimes parties do not obey the court orders, whether it is non-payment of financial support, violations of the parenting time schedule or decision-making, or some other issue, and we are forced to gain compliance through the Court. This can be burdensome and hiring Palmer Family Law can help alleviate some of that stress and burden.
Not necessarily. The Court has the legal authority to impute income to a person (which means determine what someone is capable of earning) related to allegations of under or nonpayment of a financial obligation.
You start with hiring counsel who has experience filing and defending against contempts. You will need your current orders, as well as proof of the order that has been violated.
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