Men’s and father’s rights
Do you have concerns that because you are the dad or the husband you will be treated unequally or unfairly? Palmer Family Law are the best attorneys for your situation. Michael began his career at a men’s rights firm and learned from a long-time men’s rights attorney on the best strategies and methods to support our male clients. Rachel was the top-ranked attorney at an international men’s rights firm. Palmer Family Law knows the strategies to implement to best position you for a fair and just outcome. It has long been assumed that Courts favor moms or the lower-earner. While that is not established law, Courts can still be biased towards women. If you believe this is happening in your case, you need an attorney who knows how to try a Father’s Rights case. Men’s Rights are very strategic cases to win; let Palmer Family Law help you win yours.
The law does not have any biases written into it and judges are not allowed to consider a person’s gender in determining the custody of children or property division. However, oftentimes in life these things work out a certain way (such as more women will be a stay-at- home parent than men) and there are things that can play out based upon that. It helps to have attorneys experienced in these situations to know how best to improve your circumstances to get the best possible outcome.
It is always best to hire an attorney who specializes in your unique circumstances. Men’s rights are a specialized field, especially because it deals more with people’s biases than the law itself; this requires targeted strategies and specialized knowledge.
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